Caliban Book Shop specializes in Modern First Editions, Fine Arts, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Western Pennsylvania, Americana, Philosophy, General Scholarly, Fine Press, Leatherbound and Rare Editions. We also sell a choice assortment of books and zines by local authors.
We maintain a large open shop of 25,000 uncatalogued volumes as well as a well-curated selection of Vinyl records and CDs specializing in Indie Rock, Sixties Pop, Punk, Americana, Folk, Blues, and Jazz. You might find a little Spoken Word and some Classical mixed in there, too.
Caliban Books employs a number of knowledgeable and friendly assistants who know a lot about literature, history, books and old stuff in general. We look forward to helping you and are happy to recommend books for gifts (birthdays, retirements, special occasions), books to collect, and books to simply read.
Interested in selling? Caliban Book Shop buys and sells books, autographs, photographs, maps, ephemera, miscellaneous printed material, and original art. We purchase anything from single items to entire libraries, contemporary releases as well as rare items.
We make free house visits in an extremely wide radius around the Pittsburgh area (we’re talking thousands of hectares). We pay generously and remove promptly. We also offer store credit for items brought into our shop during business hours (please call ahead if you are bringing in items to ensure a buyer is present).
Learn more about our buying habits and contact us with selling inquiries here.
We are no longer doing appraisals, but would happy to give free verbal evaluations for material brought into the shop (best to call ahead), and if you need appraisals for tax, insurance or legal purposes, we can certainly refer you to qualified appraisers.

410 S. Craig St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Monday: 12-5:30
Tuesday: 12-5:30
Wednesday: 12-5:30
Thursday: 12-5:30
Friday: 12-5:30
Saturday: 12-5:30
Sunday: 12-5:30
We are located in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, a brief stroll from the Carnegie Museum of Art, Carnegie Natural History Museum, Phipps Conservatory, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pittsburgh.
Call ahead if you have questions about hours, books in stock, our purchasing policies, etc.
(412) 681-9111. Need directions?